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Honor your health

Honoring your journey means making choices. But sometimes, you need a little guidance.

We’ve gathered some important information and resources to help you navigate through situations dealing with:

  • Tobacco and Cannabis
  • Drug Use and Misuse
  • Relationships and Sexual Health
  • Acohol

Tobacco & Cannabis

Vaping, cigarettes, edibles, tobacco and cannabis products are everywhere, especially on territory. Make sure you know how to make healthy choices and protect your family from tobacco and cannabis abuse.

Drug Use & Misuse

We believe that everyone should have a drug-free journey, but the truth of the matter is that we will all be tempted to use them or in a situation where they are offered to us. Educate yourself so you make the right choice for you.

Relationships & Sexual Health

Living a healthy lifestyle means having healthy relationships with family, friends, and partners. Keep yourself safe by being aware of who you can trust, keeping yourself protected in physical relationships, and always knowing your options.


Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug in the United States.One in every six Native American adolescents (ages 12 -1 17) engage in underage drinking. Be smart and make healthy choices to stop this cycle.

Have a question or want to chat?

Call one of our Native Connections prevention team members and we can work with you to get the support that you need.

Allegany Team:

+716 945 8413

Cattaraugus Team:

+716 532 8456